Sunday, January 29, 2023

The Lyndonville Jewish Cemetery Controversy, and the St. Johnsbury Relief: Congregation Beth El

My husband Dave Kanell (1952-2019) used to talk about "institutional memory": the capacity for an organization to know and understand its past. In many ways, Dave tried to BE that set of memories for Congregation Beth El in St. Johnsbury. 

Recently I realized that the history of the Jewish burial area at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery had faded from most people around me. Dave is no longer here to tell the story, but I think these documents speak well to what happened and the flaring emotions around it.

From the Memories File: Congregation Beth El

Between us, Dave and I kept many scraps of paper, photos, cards, from our years as part of Congregation Beth El in St. Johnsbury. Dave probably first stepped into the sanctuary in 1970 and committed right away to leading in every way he could; I arrived on his arm in 2002. 

Here are some of our treasures.

Ben and Rosalie Harris shared this on their 50th wedding anniversary.

The other side of the invitation card.

Three long-term presidents of the congregation: from left, Ben Harris, Al(fred) Zeller, and David Kanell.
Ladies in front: Phyllis Pegula Benoit, Gloria Caplan, Sheila Aronoff. Back row, Steve Dolgin, Harvey Caplan, Steve's sister Laura, Sid Nurenburg, Rayna Caplan.

Announcement of the service for Harvey Caplan's father Joseph Caplan -- may their names be for a blessing.